백예린 ( Baek Yerin) - 그건 아마 우리의 잘못은 아닐 거야 (Maybe It's Not Our Fault)

 video sottotitolato anche in inglese  , ma il video ufficiale è uno spettacolo, da vedere!

Migliore canzone pop 2020 ai Korean Music Awards
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Aggiornamento dopo che Christi ha dedicato un post nel suo blog
al significato di questa canzone:
"Man mano che la relazione cresce, mi abituo a te, tu ti abitui a me. E ora ci diamo entrambi per scontati. Poi, iniziamo a sentirci insicuri e spesso ci feriamo a vicenda, non sono sicura che possiamo essere felici in questo modo. Ma non voglio perderti, e credo anche tu. Quindi facciamo del nostro meglio per salvare questa relazione.

Teniamoci per mano. Se ci lasciamo andare le mani a vicenda, cadremo nell'oceano, così profondo e vasto che non potremmo mai più ritrovarci a vicenda, ci perderemo per sempre. Non voglio che succeda.

Guardiamoci negli occhi in modo da non cadere, in modo che possiamo sentirci più vicini l'uno all'altro, per renderci conto di nuovo cosa significa averci l'un l'altro." .

Yerin Baek – Maybe It’s Not Our Fault 

사실은 나도 잘 모르겠어  A dirti il vero, non son nemmeno sicura
불안한 마음은 어디에서 태어나  da dove nasce quest'ansia del cuore (insicurezza)
우리에게까지 온 건지  e come è arrivata a noi

나도 모르는 새에 피어나  anche se cresce senza che ce ne accorgiamo (me ne accorga)
우리 사이에 큰 상처로 자라도  come una ferita tra noi
아마 우리의 잘못은 아닐 거야 forse non è colpa nostra

그러니 우린 을 잡아야 해  Perciò (noi) dobbiamo tenerci per mano
바다에 빠지지 않도록 per evitare di cadere in mare (oceano)
끊임없이 눈을 맞춰야 해  guardiamoci sempre negli occhi
가끔은 너무 익숙해져 버린 per non abituarci (a perderci)
서로를 잃어버리지 않도록 così da non perderci l'un l'altro

나도 모르는 새에 피어나  Anche se non so quando sia cominciato
우리 사이에
자주 아픔을 줘도 anche se spesso ci dà dolore
그건 아마 우리를 더 크게 해줄 거야 forse ci aiuterà a crescere

그러니 우린 손을 잡아야 해 Perciò (noi) dobbiamo tenerci per mano
바다에 빠지지 않도록 per evitare di cadere in mare
끊임없이 눈을 맞춰야 해 guardiamoci negli occhi
가끔은 너무 익숙해져 버린 per non abituarci
서로를 잃어버리지 않도록 così da non perderci l'un l'altro

익숙해진 아픈 마음들 Ci siamo (I nostri cuori) così abituati a questo dolore
자꾸 너와 날 놓아주지 않아 che non ci lascia andare
우린 행복할 수 있을까 Saremo mai felici?

그러니 우린 손을 잡아야 해 Perciò (noi) dobbiamo tenerci per mano
바다에 빠지지 않도록 per evitare di cadere in mare
눈을 맞춰야 해 guardiamoci negli occhi
가끔은 너무 익숙해져 버린 per non abituarci
서로를 잃어버리지 않도록 così da non perderci l'un l'altro

Guitar level: novice! == principiante


  1. What do you think of those Korean songs?


    1. Since I do not understand a word , I give you my "honest reaction" ( I discovered this kind of youtube videos , very funny at all) on the music.
      Yerin's song is wonderful. It perfectly matches the kind of music I love to listen to. Her voice is fantastic in this song. The harmony is composed basically of sevenths and maj7 chords , and that's a signature for me that the song will be satisfying my ears and my heart. I like when the drums and the bass enter with more rhythm and volume after they let me hear for some time her voice almost alone. And in the end the same contrast , Yerin alone and then the instruments. Well done! They leave me with the desire to listen it again, and I can listen this song many times in a row without getting bored , just discovering all details and appreciating them over and over. I'd say this is the Yerin I prefer, the Yerin I happily find in other following songs in her career. Touching music , that I love.
      IU's song, though nice, is too simple, the music and her voice remind me , in this particular case, the songs (typically japanese here in Italy) you hear at the beginning and end of TV cartoons for teen. Therefore : no emotion, no internal vibe, a sense of obvious and "not original".
      Probably you, knowing the words , have a different reaction. Or maybe - I see IU's one is the soundtrack of a drama? - it reminds you a story, a scene that touched you.
      What are your reactions?

    2. PS I liked Yerin's song so much that I translated it into italian . Thank you for the suggestion!

    3. Thank you for your honest opinion! I can see you like Yerin's music a lot haha. I like both songs! I'm trying to figure out your kind of music so that I can help you with understanding or translating! haha

    4. About "Maybe it's not our fault, please, Chrysti, help me with the verses
      끊임없이 눈을 맞춰야 해
      가끔은 너무 익숙해져 버린
      서로를 잃어버리지 않도록
      since I'm not sure of what they exactly means.
      She wants her lover to look in her eyes so that they do not get too used to each other?
      I feel that in korean there is an hidden meaning.

    5. You are right, I explained a little further in this post!


  2. LOL. Guess what I voted for the best anthem on the swoonies' choice 2020 https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18039083785281216/

    1. Oh, is it like voting for K-drama?

    2. yes, you can vote scenes, actors and anthem. k-drama : that's how I became aware of the existence of Yerin and IU!

    3. Oh, I get it now! There's a lot of good k-dramas, I don't know much about recent ones... maybe a hint?

    4. Well. I found the one who made me discover IU and Yerin Baek (Crash landing on you) very funny. After that , through the same actress whom I liked so much in the first one, I binge-followed "Something in the rain", which is a bit more serious and real-life-based drama and which introduced me to Rachel Yamagata music (I love it; and she's one of Yerin's favourite singers, I discovered yesterday...). Through Yamagata (I mean some soundtrack songs from her) I jumped to "One spring Night" and I liked it as well. Then I decided to follow "It's okay not to be okay", but the soundtrack was not so good for me, while the story is very original. I likes all of them, but I do not know which kind of movies you like, so I cannot suggest you anything.

    5. You've watched a good amount K-dramas haha If you're interested in Rachael Yamagata, I recommend this song

      Be Be Your Love,

      It's particularly famous in Korea since it used for a TV commercial.

    6. https://youtu.be/O0inlOhz6AM Yerin won 6:50 lol

  3. Let me recommend you another good song! It's one of my favorite Korean songs.

    임재범 & 박정현 - 사랑보다 깊은 상처

    It's a duet!

    1. You meant this duet , did you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ_1-rhvXGM . Nice music, that is exactly what we call "Musica leggera"! And also in Italy these kind of duets have normally great appreciation by people. I have difficulties in understanding the situation among the two characters described by the song (I use the one in english here https://kokoaplay.wordpress.com/2015/09/12/yim-jaebum-임재범-사랑보다-깊은-상처-scars-deeper-than-love-duet-with-taeyeon-lyrics-translation/).
      She let him go, and after long time she realize that she fooled herself. He remember her, and regrets as well. They both say that the other "gave scars deeper than love" and both regret. OK I get it is a "regret" song (LOL; but music matches well) , but then are they deciding to re-unite (now ... my dream...)? English version is a bit contradictory? But maybe the lyrics are such in korean, it happens with songs.

      PS I like these slow-spoken songs, since they help me to read hangul: I feel like a child in primary school with big difficulties learning to read :)

    2. Yes, I meant the duet. I translated and explained the lyrics in this post!


      And we call this kind of music 발라드(Ballad), slow, sad, emotional, etc, This kind of music was so popular in the 90s in Korea. I guess Musica leggera and 발라드 have something in common.

      And I can totally relate to what you're feeling and what you're going through. Don't worry, it's a phase you'll get out of quickly!

    3. Great post! I take it as a personal gift. Thank you for the explanation that blows away all my doubts.
      About duets, I put the first 4 italian duets that came to my mind here
      The first one is very funny and the (funny) video is related to the lyrics of the song. I also put a link to a translation and if you want details I'm here! (J-Ax is a famous italian rapper, many songs of his are very funny; but as for rappers' korean sung in IU's songs, I do not recommend them to learn a language!!!!! )
      The other ones are typical Musica Leggera, and probably you will find their music very similar to Korean "ballads".

    4. Eno di quei giorni sounds so much fun! Thank you for new great recommendations! Now I have so many good Italian songs to go through all thanks to you haha

    5. "E' uno di quei giorni" is another song in which a man sings the love for his motorbike, in this case it is (should be, ㅋㅋㅋ) able to change his bad day.
      Some facts should be explained.
      When he mentions the post office (since he could not sign the receipt for the fine being late at the gate, the postman will leave it at the post office) , we Italians understand that he will spend some hours queuing in an office, where "very quiet" workers do calmly their job, just to get the fine.
      When he mentions the highway (as it is translated in english), actually in italian he says "complanare", which is not the highway you see in the american movies ("autostrada", in italian, but rather a very less poetic (ㅋㅋㅋ) piece of high speed road built parallel to a congested highway close to big cities, often with bad sightseeing. So it is funny for us to hear that the man wants to change his day just with a ride on such a ugly road, where he hopes to feel like "Easy rider" or "Che Guevara". But it pours down!!

    6. Wow, what a story! So he got a call in the morning that he was fined, and a post officer left a receipt for the fine. (which says "pay the fine") He heads to the post office to receive the fine (is it possible to pay the fine at the post office though?) on "complanare", which not quite desirable to change one's mood. And he will be queing in the office for hours to get the receipt.
      I feel like I should go through the lyrics in Italian! Give me some time, haha. Btw, what does " E' " represent in the title, "E' uno di quei giorni"? And "Easy Rider" is a movie, right?

    7. LOL I did not want you to translate it in korean, just to make a smile.
      The english translation is here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/uno-di-quei-giorni-one-those-days.html .
      I only meant that it is so difficult to appreciate the details behind a "culture", that's the reason about the comment on the post office and the complanare: they make us smile, but foreign people cannot understand subtleties. Probably only love songs are universal... but are we sure?
      About your questions.
      Surely you have to go to the post office to withdraw the fine (showing the notice the postman left to you), then you can pay the fine at the post office; you can pay it in other ways but remember that you made a long queue already!

      Let's talk now about the errors on my side : you have a talent to detect them! Please let's switch to private messages LOL!!!! joking.
      I did not notice that the title does not contains "È" !!!! It is repeated in the verses but it is not in the title!!!
      Moreover it is my wrong habit to use apostrophe E' instead of the correct accent È, since many times the computer programs transforms the accent in strange characters. Clearly if you want to learn correctly I have to change this habit.
      È simply means "is" in capital letters.
      "It is one of those days" means "it is one of those days in which all things go wrong".

      Yes, 60's counterculture movie "Easy Rider" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easy_Rider) is mentioned to trigger in the mind of Italians the sense of freedom given by the ride of the two main characters through the USA landscapes (not the bad ending of the movie...). USA landscapes has great charm on Italians, derived from movies visuals of course, I do not know if it is the same for other countries.
      Dr. Ernesto Guevara (best known as "Che") is mentioned because of his motorbike journeys (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevara#Motorcycle_journey).
      Note that the rapper J-Ax wrote many songs in favor of legalization of use of marijuana and against the "right-thinking". You can see the connection of his songs with the two "revolutions" cited with 'Che' and 'Easy Rider'. But J-Ax is also a master of auto-irony, as in this case.

    8. Thank you for explaining! And I can totally relate to what you think about how difficult to truly appreciate lyrics. Lyrics is practically a poem, with many hidden meanings, and metaphors, and of course, culture can also affect its subtlety. So often times it makes harder for us to fully understand the meaning.
      And since you've explained to me in detail, it would be a waste if I don't go over the lyrics of the songs!

    9. That little cloud that pours rain on J-Ax is a citation. Every Italian knows the "Nuvola di Fantozzi" , Fantozzi's cloud.
      Fantozzi was a character of a number of movies since the '70s. A modest clerk very unlucky, with an ugly wife , a very ugly daughter, a bad job, a secret crush for a colleague who mistreated him instead, and so on. And also himself bad character, selfish, and so on. His procumbent behavior towards his boss (whose armchair was "made with human skin"!) is proverbial as well.
      One of the scenes that impressed the (laughing) audience at that time was the single cloud in a sunny day pouring rain exactly on his car (a ridicolus ugly model), to underline his bad luck. So impressed that it belongs to our "collective memory" LOL.
      To refine the idea of Fantozzi's bad luck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PbfyS3moTQ (sella means 안장; "in sella!" pronounced 인 샐라 is to urge starting to ride (note that we do not say "on 안장!", which would be "sulla sella!", but "in 안장").

    10. Thank you for explaining! Your explanations make the song so much interesting! So Fantozzie was a character from 1970s, famous for his bad luck, who is also in the "in sella" video, right? What does alla bersagliera from the video title mean?


      I also thought that little cloud was funny and cute, haha. And he's driving on the complanare, right?

    11. "alla bersagliera!" means "fast!", "quickly!". And yes it's probably a 'complanare', that one.
      Bersaglio (표적) is the thing to which soldiers shoot with a gun to train themselves . It gave the name to these type of soldiers who trained with precise guns in the nineteenth century. But what made them famous is the fact that they were trained to RUN and to quickly attack the enemies using only their feet to move. So "bersagliere" was a soldier who was not only precise in aiming the enemy with the gun but also fast in attacking him.
      Even the fanfare at the parades is running! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=katZurYDC3w)
      "Alla bersagliera!" means "like a bersagliere!", "the way of the bersaglieri".
      Nobody uses this exclamation "alla bersagliera!" in normal life in Italy : it was used in the past, and in that '70 movie was used to be funny, since it was the way of speaking of the oldest. If you use it in normal life to urge someone, it is because you want to cite that particular scene, among friends you know they've seen the movie and make them smile.

      "Alla + ... " is used to say " the way of ..." or "like ..."
      E.g. trousers "alla zuava" are like those wore by the Zuavi (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantaloni_alla_zuava#/media/File:Avanguardisti.jpeg);
      "alla carlona" ; "alla viva il parroco" (do not ask me to explain these last two LOL)

    12. Oh, now I can understand! Thank you! Alla is a + la, right? I've got too many questions, I know haha.

    13. Yes. Italian has these particles that mixes with definite articles.
      In primary school you learn by heart the main ones with this memo: di-a-da-in-con-su-per-tra-fra. This because you must be able to detect them as "prepositions" when you are learning grammar. LOL. But tra and fra don't mix with articles. I understand that you Korean have sort of postpositions, like in Latin, but I'm not sure, and this is a topic for 2022 haha.

    14. Yes, Korean does have many postpositions like below! Korean grammar is actually really difficult, unfortunately ;(


    15. haha you Korean have a strange concept of "dative". For me dative would be when you attach the particle to "you" (in the example), but in the figure you attach it to "I" and "you" is not even present!!!! Something like this (I guess!) 너 당실한테 할 말이 있어.

    16. As I know, Italian does have dative case, such as me, te, se, etc. Italian is fusional language, in which pronouns are inflected to make dative case and Korean is agglutinative language, in which postpositions are attached to pronouns to make dative case. The system is quite different each other.
      And what do you mean by "I" and "you" is not present?

    17. You are right, of course (I would say that "ti", which means "a te", i.e. "to you", is the true dative; "te" is a complement that needs "a" to express 'dativeness' ). What I wanted to express is the fact that in the figure of domandhyo.com site that you mentioned above the particle for dative is attached to the GIVER, while we Italian modify the RECEIVER pronoun, just as you said. So I would have attached the dative particle to the receiver (너 당실한테 할 말이 있어), not to the giver as it is shown in that site. The receiving pronoun (I assume it is 당실, right?) is not even present in that example sentence.

    18. Aha, I get it now haha. Well, I guess it's similar to English "to you" (to=한테, you=당신, if we put it this way) "You" is 당신, or 너(casual speech), but I highly not recommend to use this term, 당신, because this term can somewhat sound rude. We kind of tend to avoid to directly call "you", it is a cultural thing, I guess.

  4. This is also a very good song! It's one of the best karaoke songs in Korea.

    이적 - 하늘을 달리다


    1. I like it. Good Energy! Karaoke ? I think I'll be able to sing only the slow sentence (허약한 내 영혼에 힘을 날개를 달 수 있다면) https://youtu.be/fuw6FsxZJwY?t=140 ヲヲヲヲヲ

    2. The video is prohibited in Korea maybe for copyright reasons, but I believe you'll be able to sing this after some practice!

  5. I believe you know a lot of her songs, but just in case!


    Our love is great

    La la la love song (It's a rearranged cover, very famous among her fans!)

    As I am


    1. This is the only one korean artist ( whom I follow since he was a boy) I knew until last november ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5mWml4WfZ4

    2. I did not know those BYR's songs. Thank you. One day I will ask you what do you think about the last album from Yerin. I'm not so happy with her turn, but I understand that an artist do not like to repeat herself.

    3. You know what, as soon as you said it's a boy, I knew it would be Jung Sungha. He's quite famous... And what do you mean by "you're not happy with her turn?"

    4. She changed her style very much. Her music is less soft and harmony patterns are not the usual one (the ones that I like): you from "house" style to other which are too simple/naive.
      I liked the videos, I think they invested lot of money for the visual. But the only one song I like is, maybe!, "I'm in love": in any case nothing comparable to the reaction I had when you proposed to me "Across the Universe".
      I feel like she wanted to create a "product", beautiful, but, for me it is not expressing emotions. Another thing , which has not to do with the music, is the new image of Yerin, who seems to want to cut the tie with the other Yerin (the "sweet" one you see in all the live videos on youtube) . Of course I appreciate the desire to show different aspects of her person - the old style probably started to be a cage for her - but I cannot imagine her (at the moment) on the stage acting as a "bad girl".

    5. I feel like she's a quite experimental person, who likes to try new things. And as an artist, I guess it's natural to change. This conversation reminds me of her 15& days and the days she used to perform in a competition.

      Btw, I posted Across The Universe, I belive you've already seen its translation, but just in case!



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