this post is for Chrysti


During MilleChitarre in piazza 2020 these songs have been played and sung (online, unfortunately, this year):

  1. 50 SPECIAL (Luna Pop – C. Cremonini) tonalità SOL
  2. GENERALE (F. De Gregori) tonalità SOL
  3. MILLE CHITARRE (I. Mori) tonalità LA
  4. 10 RAGAZZE PER ME POSSONO BASTARE (L. Battisti) tonalità MI-
  5. LA CANZONE DEL SOLE (L. Battisti) tonalità LA



link to listen:

translation to english:

Meaning of strange words.

You must know what a "Vespa" is. Vespa is a very iconic motorcycle in Italy, now "vintage" since it was around since the Sixties "Anni Sessanta", spelled " 니  샜타 " with red syllable stressed. "50 Special" is the name of a model, affordable to all and drivable by young people, since low power motor type (50, while 125 and 150 power were also available, with increasing power). 

The song is about the freedom this scooter gives to teens. 

"Truccare" a motorbike means modifying illegally a (low end) model to upgrade its performances. They shouldn't be able to reach high speeds , but when "truccate" they can reach almost 90 (km/h). "Sfiorando" means "almost reaching", "almost touching". If you have a crush on someone, just "sfiorare" his/her hand is enough to have your heart running.

The starting verse "Vespe truccate anni'60" so means that we're singing about those vintage  (and therefore now very cool) motorbikes illegally upgraded.  Vespa is singular , Vespe is plural meaning you have to imagine many of them for a group of teens going around together.

Note that "Vespa" is the name of an insect (말벌) similar to a bee, which has a very little waist, just like that motorbyke. 

Update: the "colli bolognesi" are the hills (colli, colline in italian) close to Bologna, 볼로냐, a beautiful city in the northern part of Italy, famous for the cuisine.  Bolognese means "of Bologna".

UPDATE: Chrysti translated 50Special in korean !!!!!  
(con anche la comoda pronuncia dell'italiano con caratteri hangul)


It is useless trying to show the meaning of this anti-war song, since others have already done the job better than me: I'll translate the words of another great italian singer from this site  where one can also find a professional not literal translation to english. I'll put here (todo) a literal translation for didactic purposes with some detailed explanations (e.g. "crucca"). Maybe a Korean version thanks to Chrysti? 

Fattori, Giovanni (1825-1908)
Contadina nel campo


it is the song of this event , non a very known song really; it is sung only in this day.


A song about a man that shouts that 10 girls are enough to satisfy him, now that his girl left him. But he's repeating words in the song that allow the listener to understand that in the depth of his heart even ten will not be enough to replace the girl and the pain. todo

da scrivere


This is the "Song of the Sun" and is played and sung at very high volume every year at 1000Chitarre, while the other songs normally change.
The reason is that even if the song lyrics are very beautiful, it is very easy to play it and basically is the song that every beginner learns, because of the fast feedback it gives you: after a couple of hours of exercise on the guitar, you can already gather your friends and start to sing all together (everyone knows the song). And the magic of playing the instrument suddenly starts.

A boy finds a girl whom he used to play with, during the holidays at the seaside, when they where children. He reminds here the innocence of their friendship, but they are grown, teen, she has grown faster than him and she feels already as woman, while he's afraid of her.



  1. Thank you for writing the post! I'm translating 50 special to Korean now, and your post is very helpful!

    1. Nice idea, yours. It's a beautiful song. Hope to read it in Hangul !!!!
      I'm trying to understand your taste/mood.
      What about this: or this .

    2. I love all the songs you suggest. I think you have great taste in music . Hangul itself is not that hard to learn, fortunately. Maybe youtube video can be helpful

    3. Oh, thank you for the video link on Hangul!
      I'm happy to know that you too like those two songs, I pick them for the 'mood', similar to 50special. By M. Ayane, I like also this one , but it is a completely different mood.

    4. You're welcome :) And thank you for another great suggestion! Wow, I know so many good Italian songs now!

  2. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  3. I've studied the lyrics and I have a few parts I don't understand clearly, could you confirm if my understanding is correct?

    Rosse di fuoco, comincia la danza
    Di frecce con dietro attaccata una targa

    Vespe are red like fire, they start the dance of arrow (they're all riding fast, nose to tail), with a license plate attached on their back

    sotto ai piedi = sotto i piedi

    Ma quanto è bello andare in giro per i colli bolognesi

    The speaker is riding around the hills of Bologna
    He's not riding towared the hills, nor riding up/down the hills

    la scuola non va

    the school is not going well, the school is giving the speaker a hard time

    Devo fare in fretta, devo andare a una festa
    Fammi fare un giro prima sulla mia Vespa

    The speaker is excited to go to the party
    but before that, he wants to take some quality time to enjoy riding his Vespa.


    1. 1. Understanding is correct! Red Fire is a palette colour you could buy that scooter (like 페라리 cars; you know, Bologna is very close to 마라넬로; that colour has deep meanings for those guys). The English probably would play with all those attributes : "The dance of back-attached-license-plate fire red arrows starts" LOL, but the author (Cesare Cremonini) preferred that inversion, very beautiful in italian, to flash the listener with the evocative color before the less poetic licence plate ...
      2. yes , you can say both ways, I usually say "sotto i piedi" but I hear "ai" in the song, going from the "o" to the "i".
      3. You're right. "andare in giro" means "to go around" without a precise destination
      4. Correct!
      5. YES!!!! "Fare un giro" , same as #3, without a destination as you say , just to enjoy the riding. "giro" actually is a circle, a wheel makes one "giro" after one revolution; childrens play "giro giro tondo" by making a circle taking by their hands and walking all to the left (or to the right) keeping the circle's shape. But you can go "a-round", andare IN giro, without making (FARE) a "round" trajectory.

      So you understood everything correctly. You're great! CIAO.

    2. Ops I forgot to say that in Italy we say "rosso fuoco" to mean that kind of colour. No one says "rosso di fuoco" for the colour. The author needed a syllable more for the verse. We say for example "un'alba (a dawn) rosso fuoco" . He couldn't say either "rosse come il fuoco" (red as the fire) , since there are 2 syllables ....

    3. Thank you for explaining!

      So the subject of the sentence is "la danza"
      "frecce" refer to "vespe"

      So the sentence goes this way without inversion, am I right?

      Vespe è rosse fuoco,
      la danza di frecce con dietro attaccata una targa comincia

    4. That's a good question! Since there is a comma, yes, Vespe are fire-red. So you're right. My explanation would be correct if there were also a dot at the end of the second line. But there is not! I did not notice it, and I cannot say the number of times (huge) I've sung this song ... LOL. Probably it is the small pause in the song between the first two lines and the two other lines that brought me to error (we learn songs 'by listening' you know, and I like more the image of an arrow in fire ...). By the way, 'Le Vespe sono rosso fuoco', 'sono' is used for the plural, 'è' for singular. "La Vespa gira in centro", "Le Vespe girano in centro". Oh mamma, italian is a mess.

  4. Haha, that happens. I totally understand.

    And you mean period (".") by dot? I'm trying to get my head around Italian haha your advices are really helpful with getting used to the language :)

    La Vespa gira in centro
    Le Vespe girano in centro
    Le Vespe sono rosso fuoco

    Thank you for letting me know!

    1. yes! period, I meant. "Full stop". The small point at the end of this sentence. With the dotcom era I forgot the real english name of it. LOL

  5. I finished the translation! Thank you!

    1. uau (wow)!!! You're welcome. Now I'll try to understand the hangul, give me a couple of months. I already smiled a lot with the PS's. Ah, the struggle to write correctly "pop" of lùnapop! Yes ! It's like k-pop , english word "pop", that we use normally in Italy to identify that kind of music. And we pronounce the vowel ㅓ rather than ㅏ or ㅗ . Unfortunately in italian when you have "o" in a word, it could be pronounced ㅓ or ㅗ.

    2. I struggled a little with Italian pronunciations, haha, since it's so easy to confuse with English even if I know what it sounds like in Italian.

      Plus, I couldn't find the meaning of the band name, so I assumed that it's a combination of lùna and pop. And now I wonder if there's an italian word for "italian pop music" haha

      And I wish you good luck with learning Hangul! I believe you'll get it soon!

    3. Actually we do not put accent on the "u" when we write luna (luna = moon). I do not know why the band decided to put that accent, since we italian, when pronouncing that word, put stress on "o": lunapòp. But you know, they are artists...
      We say "musica pop". Years ago (1950 to,say, 1980) the kind of music which was not classical , neither folk, was called "musica leggera" (which means light, as opposed to heavy, LOL). But now "musica leggera" is used only for a kind of very melodic, vintage part of POPular music, and nowadays basically all the easy-listening music on the media is called pop also in Italy. At the end of the day I-pop is not so different from K-pop : both have rap, mixtures of funk-rock, and so on, as well as normal, unoriginal melodic songs or more sophisticated "jazzy" pieces like Yerin's ones. There is a HUGE difference, though: boy bands (like BTS) and girl bands (like twice) do not exist here, even if foreign groups did have great success.

    4. That's what I was wondering, too! There was luna, but no lùna in the dictionary. Maybe they invented new a word like squerez, haha. So italian music used to be called as musica leggera in the past, and it's musica pop, or i-pop, interesting!

  6. Actually I invented word "i-pop", to contrast "k-pop" in that phrase. "I-pop" doesn't exist. lol.

    1. I thought it exists🤣 you got me haha i-pop doesn't sound bad though!


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